
"First a brother, then a bother, now a friend."

Our siblings are the people we "practice" on.  They are the people we first learn to share with.  They teach us about fairness - whether it be cheating at Monopoly or arguing over who's turn it is to go first.  Cooperation, caring & kindness all develop from a relationship with our brothers & sisters.

Ed is the oldest of the three Rogalski children.  Ed & Len were very close in age - about 19 months apart so it was a tag-team against my Aunty Darlene.  I'm sure there were lessons of fairness, sharing & kindness taught.

My Uncle Len left us all way too soon.  It broke everyone's heart.  Even to write about this today, tears well up in my eyes as I know the importance of him to my dad. 
He was a very proud man.  He was a very caring man - this character runs through the Rogalski men of my family.  I'm also told he liked to have a "bit"  of fun. Yes, he had a bit of a wild streak.  This legacy shines through brightly in his nephews Shea, Rene & Rodney & so on by generation in great-nephews - Adam, Jesse & Braxton.
Although he is not physically present, his spirit is.    Always remembered.

Ed big-brothered the heck out of my Aunty Darlene - and in some cases, probably still does.  There is something about being the older sibling & the need to protect.  I'm sure it comes as a double-whammy when you have two older brothers like Darlene was so wonderfully blessed with growing up. 

As we all grow older, we all eventually recognize the importance of a sibling.
You don't pick your family, you pick your friends.  Your sibling is a "given" friend.

Men of the Rogalski Household

First a bother, now a Friend

Len, always remembered.

A family love is a love like no other

The Eaton/Sanche Family