
"A good husband, makes a good wife."

Qualities of Love - what you want in a husband

1. He must be RESPECTFUL. 
Ed is an old-school gentleman.  He will open a door for you, recognize a new hairdo and praise a delicious home-cooked meal.  My mother won my father's heart or should we say stomach - instantly.  Anyone who has had the opportunity to taste my mother's cooking would agree.

It's a good feeling to have someone on your side.  Many a night when I was supposed to be sleeping, I would hear my mom telling my dad about her days worth.  When Rod and I received a scolding - he was there, quietly but there - what dad isn't?  Mind you, after my mom left the room he was back on our side.

3. He's FUN.
Boogie-boarding in the ocean - FUN.  Almost losing your glasses while doing it - FUNNY.  Drinking like your 25 again at your sister/brother in-laws 25th wedding anniversary - FUN.  Witnessing Ed hungover the next day - FUNNY.  

4. He's NOT LAZY.
No lazy bones here.  Not only does Ed maintain and nurture 3 gardens, his to-do lists never go un-ticked.  If you are looking for a gardner, Ed is your man.   If you have been to their cabin at Wakaw Lake you will see deck after deck after deck.  Yes, Ed likes to built decks.  If my mom sat still long enough, he would build a deck right around her, I'm sure of it. 

My dad is very observant.  He notices when the grass hasn't been cut, the flowers haven't been watered, the radishes haven't been picked, and when my mom's ass hasn't been pinched lately.  Yes, I see it.  I don't want to see it but I do.  I did when I was a kid, I did when I was a teenager and I still do as an adult.  Apparently, I'm observant as well.

Good Job Ed, so far so good.  She's kept you around for the past 38 years - even after all that pinching.